"Now Showing" is a program designed to foster partnerships between individual artists and ArtsKC Business Investors by providing opportunities for metro-area artists to display their work in the conference rooms, lobbies, and office spaces of local companies. The partnership benefits the artist who is exposed to a potential new audience, as well as the company who is exposed to new elements of creativity and inspiration.
I have been accepted as a participating artist. As a participating artist, photographs of my quilts will be available on a private website for local business to choose from. If chosen by a participating company, my work would be displayed in their offices for a 3 month period. There is currently a portfolio of 125 artists with works ranging from photography, sculpture, painting and textiles.
I have been accepted as a participating artist. As a participating artist, photographs of my quilts will be available on a private website for local business to choose from. If chosen by a participating company, my work would be displayed in their offices for a 3 month period. There is currently a portfolio of 125 artists with works ranging from photography, sculpture, painting and textiles.